This website gives you free courses in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and Paint Shop Pro (PSP). By taking this courses,we can develop your websites very colorful with pictures. This university is not a recognised university,but to provide knowledge to all,they are conducting these free online courses.
Courses in Webtech University:
- Classes for Beginners
- Basic HTML
- PSP Versions 7, 8, 9, X and XI
- Intermediate Classes
- HTML Tables
- HTML Forms
- HTML Frames
- PSP Versions 7, 8, 9, X and XI
- Advanced Classes
- Advanced topics like META Tag,validation,etc
- Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Classes start 1st and 15th of every month.We have to register 72 hours (3days)before the course starts.After that during the course,they will provide the materials to your Email-ID which you provided at the time of registration.
Whatever be the course you have chosen in this site,you have to go through the material and do the examples,atlast they will give you a homework. You have to do this homework and send back to them through the email. They will check your work and if any errors they will tell you to rectify,else they will send the next module.Like this,they will send nearabout 5 modules for each course,but you should complete the course in 15days. After completing the course they will tell you to write an exam online according to your own time.Finally with respect to your scores,they will provide you a certificate or tell you to reappear for the course.
- Free online course
- Materials through email
- If any error in our code,teach us how to solve
- Simple and easy to learn
- No HTML knowledge,then we can take the basic course
For more details,visit : WebTech University
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